Wishes for My Funeral Subsection

My Wishes for My Funeral Form

Excerpted questions with sample responses (actual forms do not include responses).

Element My Wishes Considerations/Notes
Budget I prefer that $5,000 or less be spent on wake, funeral and cremation. Have you set aside money for your funeral? Is there an amount (dollar or percentage) of your estate you wish to instruct your loved ones to spend?
Point person Katie There is effort required to carry out your wishes (but much less because you have Final Roadmap). Consider designating a coordinator who can delegate, facilitate and be the decision maker, when required.
Funeral Service
Overall tone I hope there is some humor; nothing too somber. Traditional? Somber? Lighthearted? Celebratory?
Music I would love to have a gospel choir. If not, upbeat gospel recordings will be fine. Do not allow “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” Consider listing songs, musicians, singers, recordings, points at which you wish certain pieces to be played…Also consider songs you absolutely do not want.
Readings I have attached 3 readings. As set by the church/synagogue/temple for the day? Favorite biblical passages, poems, or prose?
Reception after the funeral? Absolutely, at McNulty’s, my favorite bar. Y/N/whatever my loved ones decide.


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