Ruth is a beautiful, active and vibrant 78 year old widow with many friends with whom she regularly plays bridge and mah jong. She had been a fashion editor in New York for decades, assertive and confident. She has close relationships with her daughter Sally and recently married grandson Toby both of whom live nearby and adore her. In the last few years, Ruth has become more and more aware of her advancing age. Not from her own ailments and infirmities—she feels great—but from watching more and more of her friends develop problems ranging from breast cancer to strokes to heart attacks. Sally, one of her best friends since childhood, lays in a nursing home on a respirator and with a feeding tube. She’s been that way for almost two years.
Ruth, an air force veteran during the Korean conflict, has always been a take-charge woman. She sat down one Sunday afternoon and enlisted the help of Final Roadmap to lay out her wishes on every health topic from nursing homes, to feeding tubes, to respirators, to a generous inheritance for her grandson Toby. She finished the medical and financial sections in less than two hours, with plenty of time to get to her 4 pm bridge game.
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